First Timers
Laser Hair Removal Care Instructions
Before Your Treatment
Hydrate well by drinking plenty of fluids beginning 3 days before treatment.
If you get fever blisters, start your preventive medication the day before treatment.
Discontinue Tretinoin, Retin-A, and similar products 4 days before treatment.
No tanning
, tanning beds, or tanning creams for 2 weeks before treatment.
No aspirin, Advil, Aleve, or similar medications for 7 days before treatment (Tylenol is OK).
If you are on a prescribed anticoagulant, discuss with your doctor in advance.
Bring a list of all your medications with you.
Arrive with clean skin. No lotion, make-up, perfume, powder, oils or other products on the area to be treated.
Please Shave
the area to be treated prior to arrival.
After Your Treatment
Expect redness, swelling, and a sunburn sensation.
Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser twice a day and pat dry (do not scrubb).
You may apply cool compresses as needed for comfort (Not Ice).
You may take Tylenol as usual for discomfort.
Do not pick or scratch the treated area.
Keep yourself well hydrated.
Avoid all sun exposure!
If you go outdoors, wear sunblock with 30 to 50 SPF at all times.
No heavy exercise for 24 hours.
Do not apply make-up for 12 hours.
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